Some battles take way too long because both ships end up on an endless spiral of swimming around in circles, out of either side’s aiming reach.

The combat, on the other hand, just like the normal land-based combat, just hasn’t aged well. The controls are simple and intuitive, even though you are piloting a gigantic hunk of wood that weighs tons. It turns the simple act of going from one port to another a lot more epic than it should have been. I have to say, piloting a big ship and exploring the Caribbean Sea is great. Then we have the naval gameplay, arguably the game’s most iconic feature. Sailing can be serene or extremely frustrating, depending on the amount of enemy ships onscreen. It looks especially great when playing it in docked mode.
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Granted, it’s based on the PS3/Xbox 360/Wii U version of the game, so it doesn’t look as great as the PS4 or Xbox One versions, but it still runs at 1080p at a rock-solid 30 frames per second at all times. Thankfully, that isn’t the case in here: Assassin’s Creed IV runs marvelously on the Switch. It’s not like we haven’t seen successful ports of late eighth generation games on the console, as Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and Bulletstormare here to prove us wrong, but Assassin’s Creed III‘s port ended up being so lackluster that I was expecting the worst for a game that was bigger in scope and featured even sharper visuals. I was truly worried about how well Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag would end up performing on the Switch. It’s a slightly more newcomer-friendly plot as you can mostly stick to what’s going on in the past simulation.

A lot of focus is directed at pure swashbuckling and the attempted establishment of a Republic of Pirates. The story revolves around Welsh pirate Edward Kenway (portrayed brilliantly by Constantine himself, Matt Ryan), and it’s a bit more light-hearted than previous installments. Albeit with some twists here and there both ridiculously predictable and occasionally smart. Abstergo is still here and the ultra complicated plot involving Assassins and Templars is still featured.
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Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag is the first game in the series not starring franchise veteran Desmond Miles, even though you’re still playing with his memories.